Dolphins call Deep Creek home

Did you know there is a thriving dolphin population along the coastal waters of

Deep Creek Conservation Park?  The Bottlenose dolphin is a common sight and

a good indicator of the health of our marine life.

On a recent outing to Boat Harbour we encountered a pod of in excess of 40

dolphins mulling around the Cove. Whilst looking for food they were putting on a

surfing show that would put Kelly Slater to shame.



The Boat Harbour Cove is a particularly promising venue to spot dolphins.  The

bench overlooking it on the Heysen Trail is a fantastic vantage point to take in

the panoramic views towards the Pages Islands.



Volunteers and scientists have formed effective alliances at Victor Harbour and

Kangaroo Island to collect valuable information on dolphins.  However, there is a

bit of a gap along the South West Fleurieu Coast from Tunkalilla Beach and

Deep Creek through to Fisheries Beach.


Whilst there is plenty of general knowledge available on the Bottlenose dolphin

which appears in many parts of the world less is known about their presence in

South Australian waters.  Marine scientists from Flinders University have

examined DNA samples which suggest that there may be a sub-specie of the

Bottlenose dolphin living in the Southern waters of Australia.



If you have the pleasure of encountering dolphins during a walk in Deep Creek

why not pause for a moment. Take note of the size of the group, their behaviour

and perhaps pass the information on together with any images to Kangaroo

Island Victor Harbour dolphin watch.


 This volunteer project is based on the

citizen science concept.  Information collected can contribute to forming a more

comprehensive picture of this fascinating marine mammal.