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An app instead of a map?

Compass and map
The traditional tools for navigation


It should come as no surprise that technology is making inroads

into every facet of daily life.  So too with field maps.

Serious bush walkers have always learnt how to use a compass

and read a contour map that enabled them to plot their location,

their progress and the path ahead at any given point.


Bush walkers reading a map
Are we there yet?


Those skills are still relevant today but a new phone application has

made working out where you are on your walk just that much easier.

The Avenza app uses your phone’s built in GPS to locate you on the trail.

It works on satellite technology rather than mobile phone reception.

In other words, once you’ve downloaded a particular map on your phone

at home you can access it at any time during your walk regardless of

phone signal strength.  This is a key feature as the rugged terrain in

Deep Creek often means no or patchy phone reception.


The Avenza app in action
The Avenza app in action


A free Avenza app is available for Deep Creek Conservation Park

and is one well worth downloading for visitors to this beautiful part of the world.

For more information follow the link here